EPLAN Blog Engineering Ideas and Insights

Simplify Wiring with Augmented Reality

Written by EPLAN USA | Aug 2, 2017 12:15:00 PM


This video demonstrates the fascinating principle of simple wiring using EPLAN Smart Wiring, leveraging augemented reality (AR).

Smart wiring will become even easier in the future and Digital Technology Poland (DT Poland), a software and hardware specialist, is working in collaboration with EPLAN and Rittal to develop this technology for practical application within engineering organizations. 

The  wire connection imagery using AR glasses avoids the need for transmitting concepts from mobile devices. The technician simply scans in the required task and the relevant wiring project opens in EPLAN Smart Wiring. The device tag of a pre-made wire is then scanned and the connection visualized by the technician, including all attributes and routing information in EPLAN Smart Wiring and via AR directly into the actual control cabinet.

The technician then installs the wire connection and confirms it virtually via his/her AR glasses. This reduces the likelihood of errors and the technician has both hands free for wiring.

Andrew Szajna, Executive Vice President Business Development at DT Poland, explains, "The further development of EPLAN Smart Wiring shows how the relatively new augmented reality technology can be utilized in industrial applications to achieve significant added value in control cabinet manufacturing. There is huge potential for savings because electrical technicians get optimal effieciency for this type of wiring, and the task’s complexity is reduced overall".

Dieter Pesch, Head of Product Management and Development at EPLAN, adds, "AR solutions became possible only with the provision of 3D data from EPLAN Pro Panel and the 3D capabilities within EPLAN Smart Wiring. This clearly sets the software solution apart from the competition".